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$97 (approx $58 USD/45GBP)
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Access to the Live 90 minute Guardian Angel Workshop and Attunement on Zoom plus lifetime access to the replay.
Live dates: Friday February 7th 2025 10 am Sydney, Australia Time. (Thursday, February 6th at 6pm ET/11pm UK)
During this class you will learn how to connect more deeply with your Guardian Angel, communicate with them and receive messages.
You will be guided through a profound channeled meditation to attune with your guardian angel, receive their name, and experience their presence and healing.
The replay is just as beneficial as live.
Over the past 22 years, I’ve had the honor of guiding thousands of people to connect with their angels and clear the blocks and fears that hold them back. These sessions are often deeply moving – filled with insights, healing, and moments of divine presence. Many attendees report feeling their angels strongly, hearing guidance, and seeing beautiful visions and colours.
You will receive access to the replay including: A full video and audio, an audio of the guided meditation to download and keep.
Everyone is welcome to these sessions whether you are new to working with angels and meditation or you are experienced.
Find out more here:
Refunds are not available.
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Rachel is an angel incarnate on this planet. She is a gentle, loving soul and an exquisite teacher of angel wisdom. She is truly dedicated to the well-being and success of her students
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